Executive Directors
Wong Chong Sing(Chairman of the Board)

Mr. Wong is a co-founder of our Group with Mr. M.S. Wong and he responsible for the overall strategic planning, business development and coroprate policy making as well as the day-to-day management, marketing and adminstration of our Gorup's business operation.  Mr. Wong was awarded as the permanent honorary chairman of the Hong Kong Waste Disposal Industry Association in 2011.

Wong Man Sing(Chief Executive Officer)

Mr. Wong Man Shing is a co-funder of our Group and appointed as the Chief Executive Officer.   Mr. Wong is responsible for the overall strategic planning, business development and coroprate policy making as well as the day-to-day management, marketing and administration of our Gourp's business operation. 

Wong Chi Ho(Deputy Chairman of the Board)

Mr. Wong Chi Ho is appointed as the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of our Group and is responsible for the overall strategic planning, business development and corporate policy making as well as the day-to-day management, marketing and administration of our Group busines operation. 


Mr. Wong joined our Group as a Managing Directgor of Jasen Services in 2012 and has been managing the business of Jasen Services since then. Apart from being a Managing Director of Jasen Services, Mr. C.H. Wong currently serves as the treasurer of the Hong Kong Waste Disposal Industry Association Limited. Mr. Wong obtained a Higher Diploma in Business Administration from the School of Business and Information System of Vocational Training Council in 2010.  Then, he graduated from Queensland University of Technology in Brishane, Australia with a Bacherlor of Business Management Degree.

Non-Independent Executive Directors
Lee Pak Chung(Non-Executive Director)

Mr. Lee Pak Chung was appointed as an independent Non-Executive Director and is responsible for providing independent judgment on issues of strategy, policy, performance, resources and standard of conduct for our Group.


Mr. Lee worked in the Housing Department as a Senior Housing Manager and worked in Guardian Property Management Limited as Executive Director.    Afterwords, Mr. Lee joined Cheung Kee Environmental Limited as General Manager for the period from 2010 to 2013.


 Mr. Lee became a fellow member of the Institute of Housing, London in 1987 and fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Housing in 1989.  Mr. Lee has also become a member of the Assoication of Project Manager since June 1992, a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management since January 2008 and fellow member of Hong Kong Institute Real Estate Administrators. since 2008.  In 2000, Mr. Lee was registered as a Professional Housing Manager of the Housing Managers Registration Board.

Au-Yeung Tin Wah(Non-Executive Director)

Mr. Au-Yeung Tin Wah was appointed an Independent Non-executive Director and reponsible for providing indepentent judgment on issues of strategy, policy, performance, resources and standard of conduct of our Group.


Mr. Au-Yeung has over 20 years of experience in auditing, fianance and administration.  He worked for Price Waterhouse  from 1987 to 1990 and his last position held was Senior Accountant, from 1990 to 1991, he acted as Financial Manager at Paramount Printing Group Limited.  From 1991 on wards, he worked as Financial Manager at major private company in Hong Kong.  In 1992, Mr. Au-Yeung began to establish his CPA practice and he is now the director of Lau & Au-Yeung CPA Limited.  Mr. Au-Yeung obtained a Professional Diploma in Accountancy from the Hong Kong Polytechnic in 1987.  He is currently a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and the Society of Registered Financial Planners.


Chiu Ka Wai(Non-Executive Director)

Mr. Chiu Ka Wai was appointed as an independent Non-Executive Director and is responsible for providing indpendent judgment on issues of strategy, policy, performance, resources and standards of conduct of our Group. 


Mr. Chiu Has over 23 years of experience in management.  He has worked at Collier Petty Chartered Surveyors and promoted to the position of Management Officer in April 1986.  He then went on to work as Estate Manager at Pokulam Development Company Limited, a listed company on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange for 1986 to 2009.  In 1989, he was appointed as director of Pokfulam Property Management Limited, a property management subsidiary of Pokfulam Development and served in that capacity until 2009.

Senior Management
Mr. Chan Ngai Kam(Chief Operating Offcer)

Mr. Chan Ngai Kam jointed our Group in 2010 as Quality Manager and was promoted to Operation Manager in 2012.  Mr. Chan was appointed as the Chief Operating Officer of our Group and is responsible for overseeing our Group's business operation and day-to-day management.



Mr. Tong Wai Kit(Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary)

Mr. Tong Wai Kit Raymond was appointed as the company secretary and chief financial officer of our group on 10 March 2020. Mr. Tong is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. He received his bachelor’s degree in Accountancy in September 1995 from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and obtained a master’s degree in Professional Accountancy in August 2018 from University of London. Mr. Tong has over 20 years’ experience in management, finance and accounting. He previously held various senior positions in listed companies with business in Hong Kong and China.

Mr. Wong Chi Ming(Transportation & Purchasing Manager)

Mr. Wong Chi Ming was appointed as the Transportation and Purchasing Manager of our Group and is responsible for overseeing the procurement of materials and vehicle fleet management of our Group.  He strated serving as the Senior Manager of Jasen Services Limited and Man Shing Cleaning Service Company in 2013.



Ms Chow Pui Ying(Administrative & Personnel Manager)

Ms Chow Pui Ying was appointed as the Administrative & Personnel Manager and is responsible for overseeing our Group's daily administration, insurance and human resources matters.  Ms Chow joined Man Shing as Administraive Officer.


Download Section
Announcements and Notices - List of Directors and their Role and Function
Procedures for shareholders to propose a person for election as a director
Company Information Sheet
List of Directors and their Role and Function
Terms of reference for the Risk Management Committee
Terms of reference for the Remuneration Committee
Terms of reference for the Nomination Committee
Terms of reference for the Audit Committee
Constitutional Documents - Amended and Restated Memorandum Articles of Association